Anywhere within Humboldt County, Dr. Ziegler will call to confirm the appointment and location. Please expect arrival from 30 minutes before to 30 minutes after the scheduled appointment. Dr. Ziegler will provide medical services, including evaluation, physical exam as appropriate, assessment of your condition, and recommendations and treatment for up to one hour. This may include ordering bloodwork, x-rays, and other diagnostic testing that you will need to obtain through a local hospital or clinic, prescribing medications to be picked up at your pharmacy, and performing minor procedures such as laceration repair and splinting.
There are additional charges for most procedures and extended time. While we can provide a complete billable record of the visit to your insurance company, we do not bill them directly.
If the doctor decides you need a higher level of care or emergency services, he will call for paramedic transport to the Emergency Room and do whatever is necessary to keep you stabilized until transport arrives. You agree that all costs associated with the doctor’s activation of emergency services are your responsibility, including ambulance, paramedic, Emergency Room, Clinic, hospital, and physician charges, even if the circumstances do not constitute a true emergency in retrospect, and the housecall fee still applies. There are no refunds once the doctor is en route to your location.
When you schedule, the system will block out 3 hours to account for travel time. If there are additional patients each individual will be charged the housecall fee and is entitled to one hour of the doctor’s time.
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